Sunday, 27 February 2011

Friday, 25 February 2011

Tuesday 9 March 1915

A large tiger was killed in the New Territory at Fan-ling after killing an Indian policeman and a Chinese child and terribly mauling an English policeman.  It was brought to the HongKong Town Hall and skinned.  Policeman since died March 12th

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Saturday 9 January 1915

Childrens' Party at Victoria Recreation Club & club Social in the evening, had a most enjoyable time.  Finish at 12.10 am.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Wednesday 6 January 1915

We all went to a party at Mr Brocks.  Mr Hill, Elson, May, Swiggs were present.    Arrived home 2 o'clock am.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Thursday 31 December 1914

We held a party at our house.  (New Year's Eve) Mr, Mrs & Gladys Brock, Mr Elson, Mr Swiggs & Mr Hill being present.  Had a most glorious time and poor Charlie tin-hats.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Friday 25 December 1914

Christmas Day.  Work on HMS Triumph from 7.00 am until 12.00 pm.  This is a refit after the Bombardment of Tsingtao.  Mr Hill came to live with us on Saturday November 28th.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Saturday 12 December 1914

Mr J Lyons invite A Brock, H Elson and myself to Number 1 Chinese dinner.  1st dinner commence 8.15 pm and 2nd dinner 12.20 am.  Finish 2.00 am Sunday morn.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Saturday 10 October 1914

Mrs Foster sailed on the SS Namur, also Mr & Mrs Gregory and Mr & Mrs Dawson sailed on the SS Oriental.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Wednesday 9 August 1914

J C Gregory should have left HongKong for England his passage having been booked but detained owing to war having broken out.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Friday 7 August 1914

Work all day & night & all next day fitting Empress of Asia with 4'7" guns.  Later as they arrive the Empress of Japan & Russia, also the P&O ship Hymalaya were fitted out with 8 each 4'7" guns.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Wednesdy 5 August 1914

Charlie V Swiggs arrives in HongKong, also Mr Hill and S Vanhard.

Tuesday 4 August 1914

England declares war with Germany.  France & Belgium also at war with Germany. China Fleet leaves Hong Kong Aug 6th under Admiral Jerram.

Saturday 1 August 1914

Chinese Engineers dinner at Chinese Hotel.  Tip.  Top.  had a most enjoyable time.

 Serbia and Austria at war.  Germany declares war with Russia.

Saturday 11 July 1914

In celebration of July 12th Battle of the Boyne.  A dinner was held at Aston House Hotel.  I was presented with a Blackwood Chinese Carved Frame and Emblem for special services rendered to the institution.

Wednesday 10 June 1914

Mrs Elson sails for England in the SS Novara.

Saturday 16 May 1914

Dockyard Rifle Club Dinner at H.K. Hotel.

Tuesday 12 May 1914

Mrs Elson under survey to be invalided home.  I give up my Office and go in the Gun & Gun Mounting Office.

Saturday 9 May 1914

H.K.V.R. dinner at Head Quarters.  Evening dress:  Governor Sir Henry May present.  Arrive home 2 o'clock Sunday.

Thursday 5 May 1914

Presented by Officers and Bretheren of L.D.L 802 with gold pendant.  For the last month or so a tiger has been seen upon the island several times.

Wednesday 29 April 1914

Five Dockyard ladies shoot a match with five of best shots from the Volunteer Shooting Team.  Ladies win by 6 points.

Thursday 19 March 1914

Removed from 1 Percival Street to Sea View, Queens Road, Wanchai.

Monday 23 February 1914

J Gregory applies to be relieved.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

31 January 1914

Trip to Fanling
The 31st of January 1914 was Chinese New Year and we had two days holiday, so we went to a place on the mainland of China called Fan-ling and from there took what they called the light railway to Kai-cho-kow.  We shall never forget  that railway ride as long as we live.  There were three trucks where it was possible to sit down and three where is was not possible because they were similar to cattle trucks or rather coal trucks - not having high sides and no top and it was only in the latter that we found room to pack in.  And my G** we were packed like sardines.  Well the express started and so did we.  Laughing I mean.  It was just like being electrocuted.  Our teeth chattered in our heads and all the false teeth were shaken down and everybody stuttered when they attempted to speak, and the terrible noise of the rattling of the sides and tailboards and loose planks, well is indescribable for you could not hear yourself speak.  Well eventually we got to the end of our journey and upon making enquiries, we were informed that the train left again in ten minutes time for the return journey, just as we were saying thank God that is over.  But it was not - for we had to go by that train back or loose our connection to the mainline.  We expected to have about 2 hours by the seaside at Meroe Bay before we returned.

Well we all took our stand again.  Those that were not fortunate enough to have seats.  I managed to get one for Marian on the backward journey.  But I think it was worse than standing up, for I could look back to the truck where Marian was and see her head bobbing up and down like a scarecrow on a windy day.  Well we had not gone far before someone dropped their handbag.  They waived their hand to the driver and he stopped the express.  They ran back pick up the handbag and away we went again at the rate of 60 miles (a week?)  We had not gone many hundreds of miles before we saw some English Ladies and Gents - 4 in number - waiving their hands to our driver, he stopped the express, they took a snap-shot of us and away we went again only to stop once more to take on water.  My truck was next to the engine so I got out and went back to see how Marian was getting on and they enquired of me what are we stopped for now?  I said:  To give the horse a drink.  They said oh!  We have had a rough journey.  I told them it was alright in our truck because we had no wheels.  As a matter of fact none of the trucks had any springs.  Well at last we arrived back at Fan-ling and met the remainder of our party that did not take the ride on the light railway, and so we told them what a good time we had had, and what they had missed etc.  I hope we shall be forgiven.  We were more like a Minstrel Troop than anything else.  What with the perspiration and then the smoke and soot and hot cinders from the Rocket George Stevenson's Puffing Billy and we tried to kid ourselves we had had a good time.  I shall advise everyone who goes to Fan-ling to take the light Railway to Kai-cho-kow, but never again for this chicken!

Monday, 3 January 2011

Thursday 15 January 1914

Nellie's pup was born.

Thursday 2 October 1913

Hedley's Indentures are signed.

Wednesday 1 October 1913

Mr & Mrs Pellatt return to England.  Marian and myself see them off.

Friday 15 August 1913

Drew our short rifles and get measured for uniform at Volunteer Head Quarters.

Monday 11 August 1913

Joined the Hong Kong Volunteer Reserves and H Elson, A Brock & J Fosset.

July & August 1913

Second Revolution at Canton.   The southern provinces declare their independence.  Fighting and looting takes place in the streets of Canton & it is estimated that one hundred and fifty thousand Chinese come to Hong Kong.  Naturally being crowded out and house rents go up enormous.  Chinese are packed in houses like herrings in a box.

Monday 30 June 1913

Fosters move into our house.

Monday 23 June 1913

Cheung Fat removes furniture from 177 Wanchai Road to no 1 Percival Street and rain hard all day.  This is the most unpleasant time we have had so far, in H.K.

Sunday 22 June 1913

Cheung Fat sends his coolies to pack house hold goods ready for removal next day and we are all upside down.

Saturday 21 June 1912

On account of a Plague case next door on the 20th Friday, we decide to leave 177 Wanchai Road.  We also had a plague rate caught in our house.  Marian finds a house and we make arrangements with Cheung Fat to remove furniture $8.00.

Tuesday 3 May 1913

Horace Savage gives billy (dog) to Fred, as they sail for England the next day.

Thursday 24 April 1913

Uncle Earnie (Hearl) leaves Hong Kong.

Monday 21 April 1913

Wilfred Foster undergoes operation.